S.N.A.I.L. - Sunnyvale Neighbors of Arbor including La Linda

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SNAIL - A Neighborhood Organization
In the heart of Sunnyvale, California

Welcome SNAILs!

Welcome to SNAIL - a neighborhood organization comprised of nearly 1,500 homes located in the north-central part of Sunnyvale, between Hwy 101, Maude, Mathilda, and Fair Oaks Avenues.

Our purpose is to renew that "old-fashioned neighborhood" feeling in our area, to be better informed about the city services that are available to us, and to provide a "united voice" with which to express our concerns to the City of Sunnyvale.


SNAIL Monthly Meeting

Columbia Middle School Staff Lounge
Thursday October 3rd at 7:00pm
On Zoom!
(see Newsletter)
Future Meetings: 10/3, 11/7, 12/5

SNAIL Newsletter

The SNAIL Newsletter is ready for download!

Upcoming Events

SNAIL Little Free Libraries Map of Little Free Library locations in SNAIL

To download the Little Free Library Map and Brochure click here or click the map image above.

How to Print it:
To print the Little Free Library Map and Brochure in landscape format on a printer that can print double sided:

  • In the settings, select: Print on both sides
  • Select: Flip sheets on the Short Edge
  • Print both pages in one step

To print the Little Free Library Map and Brochure in on a printer that can only print one page at a time (single sided):
  • Print page 1
  • Flip the page by the short side
  • Manually feed the page or insert on top of the paper tray
  • Print page 2

For more information or to RSVP, please check out the Newsletter.


Peggy and Erik living at the intersection of Morse and Duane are asking all SNAIL neighbors to visit their website SNAILTrafficSafety.org and provide feedback on traffic issues in SNAIL.

They are looking for at least 20 more residents to contribute to traffic issues noted in the neighborhood. You can also email Peggy and Erik at SNAILTrafficSafety@gmail.com.

Additionally, for info on the City timeline for improvements around SNAIL, neighbors are encouraged to read the Active Transportation Plan linked from the same website: https://www.snailtrafficsafety.org.

SNAIL Traffic Safety Video
to support the requests for changes and improvements on Borregas, Morse and Duane.

Watch the Video (Dropbox).
Read the Letter (PDF).

The video was presented to Council on August 25, 2020 to demonstrate serious and growing traffic issues within the SNAIL neighborhood. For years SNAIL residents submitted their concerns to the city, and nothing has changed, not a single suggestion or idea has been implemented. This 3-minute video should speak louder than words. It was intended to shock and generate some reactions from Council members and City Staff. A series of CD Roms with the video and its accompanying letter were dropped off to the following folks at the city:

  • City Council
  • City Clerk - David Carnahan
  • City Manager - Ken Steffens
  • DPS Chief - Chief Ngo
  • Staff person for the Active Transportation Plan - Lillian Tsang
  • Staff department manager for the Active Transportation Plan - Dennis Ng
  • Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee

Speakers' Corner

You can find information on upcoming and past SNAIL meetings here.

Join your SNAIL neighbors on Nextdoor!
Click here to sign-up.

Yahoo! Groups have been discontinued, however email forwarding for SNAILorg and SNAILchitchat is still provided by Yahoo.

To request membership in these groups, please send an email to:
SNAILgroups @ snail . org

The Sunnyvale Sun

Our local newspaper is The Sunnyvale Sun.

Upcoming Events | Newsletter Archive | Bylaws | Standing Rules | Contacts

Email the Editor your Questions, Comments, Articles, and Images

This page was last updated on 9/23/2024